Welcome Law Firm Blog

Marriage Green Card Process

Posted on 03/29/19

If you are a citizen or permanent resident of the U.S. married to a foreign-born individual, you and your spouse may choose to permanently live and work in the U.S. To do that, your spouse must obtain a green card that establishes lawful permanent residency. Establishing residency requires going through a process with the U.S.

How Your Work-Related Injury Might Affect You

Posted on 03/20/19

Dealing with an injury you suffered at work can be a stressful ordeal. From managing your pain symptoms to rehabilitating your injuries, your daily routine can be substantially impacted by a work-related injury. Unfortunately, some injured workers end up with post-injury symptoms that affect their quality of health for the rest of their lives. Although

Do I Have Enough Auto Insurance Coverage?

Posted on 01/30/19

If you have suffered a catastrophic injury in a car accident caused by a negligent driver, you may be eligible to recover financial compensation to pay for past and future medical expenses, lost income and earning potential, as well as pain and suffering. However, you won’t receive any amount of monetary damages from the other