Unfortunately, due to the tough economic times, people are taking desperate measures to make some extra money. It is becoming more and more common for people to try to make a living off of filing fake insurance injury claims in Connecticut. This is a very serious crime that can result in heavy fines or even
The United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency lack the necessary testing for all immigrants awaiting deportation to their native countries and those who may be transferred to different facilities. This comes as the agency announced it was unable to routinely test immigrants who were detained and asked the United States Senate for additional COVID-19
Every Monday morning, Reyna Montoya awaits the final supreme court decision on The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals court battle. Reyna, like 650,000 other “dreamers” came to the United States when they were just minors. Under the program, dreamers are shielded from deportations and certain protections are in place to ensure that they too are
A department of justice memo revealed that Pre-Trump administration Immigration Appeals board members were offered buyouts so that the administration can circumvent the immigration court system. The Trump administration’s efforts to stack the board with pro-trump officials who align with the President’s anti-immigrant policies are highlighted in the Department of Justices memos. James McHenry, the
A recent article by the New York Times highlighted the current plight of foreign employees on skilled worker visas. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of people in the United States are now unemployed, and a substantial portion of these unemployed workers are here on temporary visas, which means they are now in a state
A large drop in applications over the past several months for green cards, citizenship, and various other applications has threatened The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) revenue to continue processing applications. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the agency which is in charge of the country’s lawful immigration system had to ask for an
Under the veil of the Coronavirus pandemic, President Donald Trump and his administration have taken swift action on immigration laws. These actions have led to refugees and children being deported throughout the country under the pretext of the Covid-19 health crisis. These new policies go against the meaningful initiatives that were put in place to