Preserve Evidence in a Catastrophic Personal Injury Case

Posted on 08/14/23

Catastrophic Personal Injury Case

Evidence is key if you want to succeed in a catastrophic injury case. The more evidence you have that demonstrates the other party was at fault, the greater your chances of securing compensation as an injury victim. 

But where do you find this evidence, and how do you keep it safe until your insurance claim or lawsuit? Learn everything you need to know about documenting and preserving evidence in catastrophic personal injury cases in Connecticut.

Collecting Evidence at the Scene of the Accident

The scene of your accident is a vault of evidence that can further your case. Collecting as much evidence as possible before you leave the scene can save you a lot of stress and hassle as you attempt to recreate the events that led to your catastrophic injury. 

Of course, if your injuries are too severe, you may not have the presence of mind or ability to collect evidence at the scene. But any of these actions you can complete — or ask a bystander to complete — will be helpful. 

Call the Police

Start by calling 911 after the accident. The police will arrive on the scene, ask all parties involved about their version of events, and create a report that details what happened. 

Calling 911 right away can also help you seek medical care as soon as possible. The minutes immediately following a catastrophic injury are critical, so the sooner you see a doctor, the better your outcomes may be. 

Take Photos and Videos

If possible, take photos of the accident scene, whether it was a multi-vehicle pile-up or a slip and fall accident at your friend’s house. If your injuries prevent you from taking photos, ask someone nearby to take them for you. 

Avoid changing the accident scene in any way until you take photos. The only exception is if you can move your vehicle after a car crash, doing so could prevent further accidents and damage and allow you to wait in a safe location until help arrives. 

Write Down the Contact Information of Witnesses

Witness testimony can be priceless in a personal injury case. Write down the names and phone numbers of anyone who witnessed the accident; if you can’t, find out whether the police report contains this information.

Preserving Evidence After the Accident

Don’t panic if you didn’t collect much evidence at the accident scene because of the stress and chaos of your personal injuries. Follow these steps to preserve evidence for catastrophic personal injury cases in Connecticut:

Return to the Accident Scene

Don’t underestimate what you may find at the accident scene within the days following your accident. You may notice a broken street light or a missing stop sign, which could have contributed to the accident. If the incident occurred at a friend’s house, the hazard that caused your injury could still be present. 

Save Physical Evidence

Avoid fixing or cleaning any physical evidence present at the accident, such as the vehicle you were driving or the clothes you wore. These items can help paint an accurate picture of the accident scene. 

Document Your Injuries

Take photos of your injuries and write down your symptoms daily to document how they change over time. Also, keep copies of all medical bills. If your case goes to court, your injuries could be healed by then, and you want the jury to understand their initial severity. 

Need help preserving evidence after your catastrophic injury? Partner with an attorney with extensive experience supporting catastrophic personal injury cases in Connecticut. Call the Law Offices of James A. Welcome today at 203-753-7300 to schedule your free injury consultation