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Connecticut Drivers: The Best in America?

Posted on 07/24/14

Not exactly, but we are in the top ten! According to a study done by Car Insurance Comparison, which listed states by the worst drivers,Connecticut drivers ranked as the 7th best! CIC compiled the rankings based on data from the National Highway Safety Administration, the National Motorists Association, and Mothers Against Drunk Driving. The scores

Department of Homeland Security Deports 370,000 People in 2013

Posted on 02/19/14

BY ATTORNEY JAMES A. WELCOME The number of non-U.S. Citizens removed from the United States dropped in 2013 from the all-time high of nearly 410,000 in 2012. This number has meaning for people on both sides of the debate about immigration reform. First, in pure number form, Homeland Security is deporting approximately 1,013 aliens per

Only an Experienced Lawyer Should Handle Your Immigration Case

Posted on 01/03/14

It Takes Patience, Persistence, and Experience to Win an Immigration Case—and James A. Welcome Has All Three Your immigration status is not something to be taken lightly. If you are an undocumented immigrant in Connecticut, you know that, at any time, you can find yourself evicted from your home, denied government benefits, or even taken