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Arizona DACA Recipients Can Continue Pursuing Their Educational Goals

Posted on 05/07/15

On Tuesday, Maricopa County Superior Court Arthur Anderson ruled that undocumented immigrants living in Arizona, while their deportations are deferred, are eligible to pay in-state tuition to attend state colleges, as they are lawfully residing in the state. Tom Horne, a former Republican state attorney, sued Maricopa County Community College in 2013 for charging Deferred

Hope for President Obama’s Immigration Actions

Posted on 04/13/15

On Tuesday, District Judge Andrew Hanen once again rejected President Obama’s request to allow his immigration executive actions to move forward. The case is on its way to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, which could mean a break for Obama administration after the 5th Circuit’s ruling on Tuesday as well. The 5th Circuit Court

Decisions on Immigration Continue to Vary from State to State

Posted on 04/13/15

Some states, like Washington, have more advantages for immigrants without a legal status. Washington allows immigrants without legal status to obtain a driver’s license. Washington has had success disregarding immigration status when it comes to getting a driver’s license because supporters recognize that licensed drivers are aware of safety rules and have insurance. Washington also