Category: Immigration

Florida Governor Vetoes Driver License Bill

Posted on 06/11/13

So far, we have seen many positive changes in immigration law in the year 2013. The national Comprehensive Immigration Reform is currently being debated on the Senate floor, but the states are also beginning to take certain immigration matters into their own hands. One of these matters is driver licenses. Here in Connecticut, for example,

CT Driver’s Licenses for Undocumented Residents

Posted on 05/30/13

CT Driver’s Licenses for Undocumented Residents While Washington discusses a national Immigration Reform, Connecticut and many other states are passing their own immigration laws, as well. On Thursday morning, the Connecticut Senate endorsed a bill that will allow undocumented workers to obtain a special driver’s license. It is expected that Governor Malloy will sign the

Immigration Scam Email- Ignore it!

Posted on 05/30/13

If you receive an email that reads: “You have been selected as one of the lucky winners of the US Visa,” ignore it. This is a scam. This particular email claims it is part of an email lottery visa program, gives you a case number, and promises a 10 year visa for you and your

Notary Fraud Bill Passed in The House

Posted on 05/24/13

Last month, HB 5513 was passed in the Connecticut House of Representatives and was placed on the calendar to be considered in the Senate. If passed, the act will help make sure “Notarios” do not offer legal assistance with immigration matters or mislead people into believing they can offer certain legal services that only attorneys

President Obama Signs Deferred Action into Law

Posted on 05/23/13

Obama’s New Deferred Action Law Gives New Hope to Children of Illegal Immigrants On Friday, June 15, 2012, the Obama administration announced an Executive Order granting, what is called Deferred Action, to young immigrant students. Essentially, it provides immediate relief to eligible young immigrants, often identified as “DREAMers”, who were brought into the United States

What’s Next for the Comprehensive Immigration Reform?

Posted on 05/23/13

The Senate Judiciary Committee spent the last week debating over 200 amendments of the Immigration Reform Bill, finally, passing the bill out of the committee yesterday with 13-5 bipartisan vote. S.744 the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act will be discussed on the Senate floor early this June. This is a wonderful achievement