Category: Immigration

What Do You Do When You Love an Undocumented Immigrant?

Posted on 01/30/20

A recently published article from The Huffington Post provides an autobiographical glimpse into the life of a woman who fell in love with an undocumented immigrant and the fear she says they live in on a daily basis. Sarah and Javier – pseudonyms granted by The Huffington Post to preserve the author’s anonymity – met

Immigration agency to re-open some requests to defer deportation

Posted on 09/13/19

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services announced that it will reopen some cases for those applying for relief from deportation. This comes after a move to end deferment requests received major backlash from Democcratic lawmakers and concerns of those who are seeking medical treatment in The United States Earlier this month, USCIS sent letters

DHS Blocks House Oversight Staff From Visiting Migrant Detention Centers

Posted on 09/04/19

The Department of Homeland Security has blocked individual House Oversight Committee staff members from visiting detention facilities on the Mexico and United States border. Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Representative Elijah Cummings, sent a letter to the acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Kevin McAleenan, requesting his decision be overturned and allow


Posted on 08/30/19

Effective next Monday, The Department of Justice, executive office for immigration review will implement a new rule which takes steps aimed at limiting the powers at dismantling immigration courts. “By collapsing the policymaking role with the adjudication role into a single individual, the Director of EOIR, an unconfirmed political appointee, the Immigration Court system has