La administración Trump fue muy eficaz para prolongar las demoras en los tribunales de inmigración e implementar políticas que se centraban en disminuir la capacidad de los inmigrantes para recibir comparecencias en los tribunales a tiempo y al mismo tiempo impedir la ejecución de la justicia. El presidente Trump politizó muchas de las funciones
The Trump administration was highly effective at prolonging immigration court delays and implementing policies that were focused on diminishing the ability of immigrants to receive timely court appearances while impeding the execution of justice. President Trump politicized many of the federal bureaucracies functions, for the matter of gaining political favor amongst his supporters. Our overwhelmed
President Biden has revoked a Trump-era bar on immigration for those without health insurance. Former President Trump released an order in 2019 to ban all immigrants who attempted to enter the U.S. without health insurance or any proof that they would be able to purchase insurance within 30 days of arrival. The move to revoke
The way immigrants are regarded by Customs and Border Protection, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials will be changing. In an effort to scrap the Trump administration’s hardline immigration stances and demeaning terminology used to dehumanize immigrants, the Biden administration is updating the way federally funded immigration agencies regard immigrants. A series of memos released
Are you planning on immigrating to the United States or currently reside within the U.S.? Partner with an award winning legal team at The Law Offices of James A. Welcome today. The immigration system is complex and you shouldn’t take any chances when it comes to you or your loved one’s ability to obtain legal
The capital riots seemed to have dominated the news coverage and Twitter trends in the last few weeks of President Trump’s term, notably so. Provoked by false claims of wide-scale election fraud, large masses of Trump supporters, white supremacists, and hate groups besieged the capital hurdling hundreds of congressmen and women into the capital tunnels
President Biden announced sweeping immigration reform the day he was inaugurated, potentially securing the fundamental freedoms millions of United States Citizens have enjoyed for the nearly eleven million undocumented immigrants residing in the United States. The immigration legislation alone is unlike any of its predecessors. Past attempts made by former President Barack Obama and George