Vice President Kamala Harris Reaffirms Biden Immigration Initiatives At Border While Seeking “Root Causes” of Migration

Posted on 06/30/21

The Immigration debate continues as advocates seek aggressive actions to undercut the anti-immigrant fanatics seeking to implement decisive rhetoric in our media and congress. President Biden has taken common-sense action to rejuvenate and rebuild an immigration system that was frequently targeted by his predecessor. Just days into his presidency, Biden was faced with a high influx of migrants at the southern border stemming from fiscal uncertainty in Central and South America. Such countries have been plagued by reckless leadership and corruption, leaving millions without fundamental security. Even after several months as president, Biden is still grappling with the issues at the border. No clear and effective direction has been amplified by the administration to suppress additional arrivals.

Our firm has applauded the Biden administration’s effort to overhaul policies at DHS. But the administration has remained reclusive in acknowledging and addressing the need to establish equitable solutions for migrants seeking asylum within the United States. Amidst a pandemic, the U.S. is faced with a high influx of migrants at the border the requires specific attention. Many migrants are seeking asylum but the current system is clearly overwhelmed. To identify the root causes of migration, President Biden tasked Vice President Kamala Harris as the administration’s envoy.

The causes of immigration are not easily demonstrated in a mere few words. This blog will not be able to thoroughly investigate those conditions. A logical argument can be made that the root of issues plaguing the migration of immigrants into the U.S. is predominantly economic. The extensive presence of gangs and cartels has polluted countries with violence and drugs, resulting in a lasting toll on its citizens. There are several cases where this is extraordinarily apparent. In Venezuela, socialistic and undemocratic leadership has led to hyperinflation. Political persecution led by the corrupted Jugo Chavez regime has infected Venezuelan society. In Colombia, drugs and violence have left thousands of citizens without security, pushing a constant state of fear. The conditions force migrants to march through treacherous environments in search of hope.

Vice President Kamala Harris’s role is double-sided. She is able to cool the uncertainty and chaos at the border while taking the attention back to what causes the influx. Her visit to the southern border was met with criticism after being delayed for several months, although Harris remained optimistic with her role. On Friday, the Vice President toured immigration facilities and met with young immigrant women. According to an Aljazeera report Harris spoke with girls ranging from nine to sixteen. The young girls discussed their journey to the Mexcian Border and escape from bitter violence. The five young girls are being held by Customs and Border Protection as they await their fate. Harris reaffirmed her stance on immigration and identified some root causes for migration stem from violence and corruption. “The lack of economic opportunity, very often violence, corruption, and food insecurity, including the fear of cartels, and gang violence.” Harris continued, “We’re talking about children, we’re talking about families, we’re talking about suffering. And our approach has to be thoughtful and effective.”

In early June, the Vice President faced criticism from Republicans for her lack of leadership throughout the migrant crises. Republicans echoed her obstruction of visitation to the border explicated her detachment from addressing the issues at the border. The trip marked the Vice President’s first trip to the United States and Mexico border. Republican critics consider Harris’s last-minute travel plans to be influenced by Former President Trump’s planned visit on the 30th. Whatever the case, Harris’s role is crucial.

Harris reiterated the importance of examining and “addressing the root causes” that have led to the “insecurity” in many South and Central American countries. Rather than examining one-piece, Harris indicated that the approach will have multiple aspects of necessary change.

Harris is soliciting “economic and humanitarian solutions” that improve the conditions of migrants in their native countries. Harris’s previous message of “do not come” directed toward Guatemalans in early June seems to be in stark contrast with “humanitarian solutions.”

The sentiment of exclusion by Harris was met by progressive backlash. Progressive Democrats continue to push the Biden Administration to enact aggressive immigration reform that prioritizes humane treatment of migrants and takes down the red tape immigrants are faced with when immigrating to the United States. Rather than signaling a “do not come” message, progressives want just action promptly for migrants who are retreating from violence and corruption.

The Law Offices of James A. Welcome recognizes the notable value of an equitable and moral immigration system. Our team has heard myriad tales of tragedy and despair that served as a trigger for clients seeking to flee their native land. Many accounts highlight that the reason for migrating was not because they wanted to, but because they had to for sanctuary and economic soundness. The judgment to leave one’s homestead is not simple, immigrants are faced with the challenge of leaving their cherished families for a better life.

The root causes of migration must be analyzed, and the United States should aid nations that have been corrupted and targeted for years. As the world’s leader in human rights, the United States must recognize its critical role in aiding individuals abroad. From South America to the Middle East, the displacement of millions has long-lasting effects. The United States must do away with immigration policies that deter legal immigration. America should invite foreign talent and uphold diversity. This is not to say that our border security should be compensated for. Most Americans agree with establishing a strong and secure border. Effective reform can work simultaneously with stronger security.

Overhauling our immigration process requires sound policies that reduce court backlogs, prioritize cases of asylum (those fleeing domestic abuse, violence, or political persecution), get millions on the pathway to citizenship, and ultimately revamp our immigration laws that haven’t seen significant changes for decades. Immigration has copious benefits, and they aren’t all associated with the rich culture immigrants pass to our nation. There is no disputing the advantage of immigration when it came to economic recovery efforts during Covid. Many immigrants played key roles in the “essential job” category. The United States job market is large enough for immigrants to work and help our nation advance against our foreign adversaries. The United States has an obligation to welcome foreign talent to work concurrently with the extensive domestic talent we already possess. The United States growth rate is unimpressive, and the potential of being displaced as the world’s fiscal leader is unimaginable and is becoming increasingly possible. Immigrants are and have always been the lifeblood of our culture and economy. Our country will require additional immigration to take on the next decade of growth.

Seeking legal guidance for your immigration case? As experienced Connecticut Immigration attorneys, we understand the importance of taking swift legal action on your behalf. We work to secure a favorable outcome in your case by delivering decades of experience. Immigration is a complex issue and is constantly changing. Policies and laws are enacted and rescinded almost every week. Your case will require representation that stays informed on these issues while ensuring any potential opportunities are pursued and obstacles bypassed. For nearly two decades, Attorney James A. Welcome has represented clients from a diverse array of backgrounds including; Brazilians, Mexicans, Peruvians, Venezuelans, Saudi Arabians, Chinese, Moroccans, Macedonians, Albanians, French, British, and many more! Our firm has represented thousands of clients from all over the world and has taken pride in developing a personalized form of representation. We actively communicate with all our clients through several channels including email, phone, and by mail. We know that your case is directly tied to your personal goals, and want you to rest assured knowing your goals become ours when you obtain our services. At The Law Offices of James A. Welcome, our Waterbury, Danbury, and Norwalk Immigration Attorneys will not yield when it comes to delivering competency, integrity, and trust in your immigration matter. As we deliver personalized representation, you know who is working with and for you.

Ready to take the next steps in your immigration case? Set up a confidential immigration consultation with an attorney at our firm and get the results you desire! Immigration consultations are important to gather the essential facts of your case while granting you time to discuss the questions you have with a qualified and licensed legal professional. Our consults are affordable and provide you some insight into what our representation would look like if you chose to retain our legal services. Simply contact our team 24/7 to schedule your Connecticut immigration consultation. We offer several channels of communication for your consultation including by video, phone, or in-person for vaccinated individuals. Call our firm at (203) 753-7300 and we’ll get your immigration consultation booked. For trusted legal representation that has been backed by thousands of immigrants contact The Law Offices of James A. Welcome today!
