Welcome Law Firm Blog

Trump’s Last Ditch Effort to Frantically Undermine Immigration

Posted on 11/19/20

The Trump era is coming to a fast-approaching end, but anti-immigration advocates within the administration continue to push forward with additional immigration restrictions. With just a few weeks left of his Presidency, President Trump and key advisers are pressing on with plans to restrict legal immigration and enable discriminatory immigration practices. As the President continues

With The 2020 Election Results Still Uncertain, The Presidents Harmful Immigration Policies Continue

Posted on 11/09/20

The 2020 election results are all but finalized leaving millions of Americans waiting in anticipation of whether there will be a change of power in the presidency. Through legal challenges and baseless “fraudulent voting,” the Trump Campaign and administration continue to press on with anti-immigration policies. Our office recently commented on the fate of millions

With Connecticut’s First Nor’easter on The Way, Key Safe Driving Tips Should Be Followed

Posted on 11/02/20

Inclement weather substantially increases your chances of being involved in an accident. As the holiday and winter season approaches, Connecticut drivers will need to prepare for extreme weather conditions ranging from heavy rain, fog, sleet, and snow. Driving safely through inclement weather can be a dangerous task for even the most seasoned driver. The chances

Trump Defends Separating Migrant Children at the Final Presidential Debate

Posted on 10/27/20

Last Thursday’s Presidential Debate between former Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump offered a stark contrast on the state of immigration. From a year filled with some of the most polarizing immigration policies, President Donald Trump reaffirmed his stance on his anti-immigration sentiment. At one point, the President called immigrants who return to