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Inauguration Day Immigration Reform? President-elect Joe Biden Plans To Propose a Pathway To Citizenship For Nearly 11 Million Undocumented Immigrants

Posted on 01/18/21

The Biden transition team is planning an ambitious legislative agenda to secure a pathway to citizenship for nearly eleven million undocumented immigrants. President-Elect Joe Biden is reportedly gearing up to announce the immigration legislation the day he is inaugurated. With just hours remaining until Biden takes the sacred oath of office, the plan will surely

Trump’s Push To Not Count Undocumented Immigrants in Census Has Come To A Halt

Posted on 01/15/21

The Trump administration has taken decisive actions to undermine the integrity of our immigration system since the President’s arrival at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Blatantly discriminating against immigrant minority groups, jeopardizing the vital infrastructure at USCIS, and weaponizing border officials. This is not the America that welcomed millions on Ellis Island and this will not be

Gov. Lamont Helps Connecticut Lead Nation in Vaccine Rollout

Posted on 01/08/21

Connecticut has nearly administered two-thirds of its vaccine supply, leading the nation in the percentage of its population vaccinated against the novel coronavirus pandemic. Unlike neighboring states, Connecticut has found success in its vaccine rollout. This is partially due to a broad definition of a healthcare worker in the state and a coordinated distribution in