In response to the financial effects of COVID-19, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act at the end of March. This act is a $2 trillion relief package for individuals, families, and businesses of all sizes. The most direct form of relief is the stimulus check, which is up to $1,200
The fate of nearly 800,000 young immigrants known as “Dreamers” is on the line as the U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments regarding the federal government’s attempts to shut down the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. While the court heard oral arguments for about an hour and a half, political pundits are already saying
An unnamed Florida Man donated 100 generators to the Bahamas after a historic hurricane ravaged the island. Alec Sprague was at a Costco in Jacksonville when he saw the man loading up on the pricey appliances. “ I was just in Cosco off Collin getting a generator (at $450 each) and this guy right here
All Hands & Hearts All Hands and Hearts works to address the immediate and long-term needs of communities impacted by natural disasters. They deploy volunteers to help build safer, more resilient schools, homes and infrastructure. You can fill out an application to become a volunteer or donate toward their hurricane relief response efforts. Americares Americares
Last Monday, The Trump administration announced a new rule change that would make it harder for immigrants to seek public benefits that included food stamps, housing assistance, and Medicaid if they were applying for a green card or citizenship. The rule change was just another example of the Trump Administration’s efforts to assert their bureaucratic
Immigration authorities in a shocking move in major Mississippi cities raided local businesses and food processing plants, rounding up 680 undocumented immigrants. Friends and family members are still in shock that such extensive raids even occurred. A crowd of hundreds waited outside a plant in Morton, Mississippi begging for the release of their loved ones
The Trump Administration announced a new policy that would restrict the amount of asylum seekers that travel by land into the United States specifically targeting those traveling into the United States from Mexico and the U.S. border. This move may reduce the amount of Central and Southern Americans by the thousands in the months to