Category: Immigration

Immigration Options for Victims of Domestic Violence in CT

Posted on 07/28/23

Domestic violence can be devastating, especially if you’re an immigrant. Lack of connections, financial dependence, cultural and language barriers, and insufficient knowledge of Connecticut immigration laws keep many victims trapped in abusive situations. If the abuser is also the visa sponsor, they can exploit their position of power by threatening their immigrant spouse, partner, or

Consequences of Immigration Violations and How To Avoid Them

Posted on 07/26/23

Violating immigration law may lead to serious consequences, like deportation or a permanent bar to a green card or United States citizenship. If you are facing criminal charges for any reason, this can lead to major complications if you’re an immigrant. An immigration lawyer can help protect your legal status. Common Types of Immigration Violations

Florida Enforces Stringent Anti-Illegal Immigration Measures, With a Focus on Undocumented Immigrant ID Holders in Connecticut

Posted on 07/20/23

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and 2024 presidential hopeful is spearheading state policies that are aimed at restricting undocumented immigrants in his state. As part of the state’s immigration crackdown, one of the measures being implemented is the prohibition of out-of-state undocumented immigrant identification cards, including from Connecticut. This endeavor is part of a broader initiative

Protection for Immigrant Victims of Crime in Connecticut

Posted on 06/28/23

Immigrant victims of crime are often fearful of reporting what happened to them because they are afraid of being deported. As a result, they may fail to report the incident to law enforcement or seek needed medical attention. What you might not realize is that regardless of your immigration status, you may be eligible for

Title 42 Ending: What Immigrants Need to Know

Posted on 06/26/23

Title 42 was put into place as a measure related to the pandemic, and resulted in 2.8 million migrants being turned away at U.S. borders since March 2020. With the end of the pandemic, many programs and rules have changed. Title 42 Restrictions were lifted as of May 12th, 2023. What was Title 42? Title

Biden Admin Handed Major Victory By Supreme Court in Prioritizing Deportations

Posted on 06/24/23

On June 23rd, the United States Supreme Court sided with the Biden administration in an 8-1 decision, with Justice Brett Kavanaugh authoring the majority opinion. The ruling upheld the Immigration guidelines set forth by the Biden Administration that prioritized the deportation of illegal immigrants with serious criminal convictions and those who posed national security risks