Category: Immigration

Biden Falls Back on Trump-Era Policy That Makes Migrants Ineligible For Entry Over Covid Concerns

Posted on 08/11/21

The Biden Administration is indefinitely extending a Trump-era policy that grants the United States Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency the ability to promptly deport migrants and asylum seekers back to their country of last transit or origin. Amid the rapid spread of new and more contagious Covid-19 variants and the accelerated insurgence

DHS Extends Haitian TPS Registration Until February 3, 2023

Posted on 08/06/21

President Biden is making changes to the Haitian immigration policy. Following weeks of unrest in Haiti and Democratic lawmakers advocating for the Biden administration to quale the deportation of Haitians, DHS is moving forward with plans to extend the registration timeline for Temporary Protected Status. DHS Secretary Mayorkas announced that the designation would allow hundreds

La vicepresidenta Kamala Harris reafirma las iniciativas de inmigración de Biden en la frontera mientras busca las “causas fundamentales” de la migración

Posted on 07/01/21

El debate sobre inmigración continúa mientras los defensores buscan acciones agresivas para socavar a los fanáticos antiinmigrantes que buscan implementar una retórica decisiva en nuestros medios de comunicación y en el congreso. El presidente Biden ha tomado medidas de sentido común para rejuvenecer y reconstruir un sistema de inmigración que fue atacado con frecuencia por

Vice President Kamala Harris Reaffirms Biden Immigration Initiatives At Border While Seeking “Root Causes” of Migration

Posted on 06/30/21

The Immigration debate continues as advocates seek aggressive actions to undercut the anti-immigrant fanatics seeking to implement decisive rhetoric in our media and congress. President Biden has taken common-sense action to rejuvenate and rebuild an immigration system that was frequently targeted by his predecessor. Just days into his presidency, Biden was faced with a high

Biden toma medidas para dar la bienvenida a empresarios extranjeros

Posted on 06/23/21

Biden toma medidas en nombre de los empresarios inmigrantes En los últimos dieciséis meses, hemos visto la importancia crítica de la inmigración. Las ventajas de la inmigración no pueden subestimarse. Los inmigrantes de todo el mundo han contribuido con sus habilidades y cultura para el mejoramiento de nuestra nación. Los inmigrantes han desempeñado un papel

Biden Takes Action on Behalf of Immigrant Entrepreneurs

Posted on 06/21/21

In the past sixteen months, we’ve seen the critical importance of immigration. The advantages of immigration cannot be understated. Immigrants from all around the world have contributed their skills and culture for the betterment of our nation. Immigrants have served a vital role in sharing new ideas and values that have accelerated small business development