Category: Car Accident

Is Tailgating Illegal in Connecticut?

Posted on 05/31/23

Everyone may accidentally tailgate at some point. However, when someone harasses another driver or in poor weather conditions, it can potentially cause serious issues. It’s stressful knowing you could suffer injuries in an accident through no fault of your own. But is tailgating illegal in Connecticut? Tailgating Laws in Connecticut Tailgating is illegal in Connecticut.

5 Common Car Accident Injuries and How To Respond to Them

Posted on 05/26/23

Car accidents often cause serious and even catastrophic injuries. Knowing what to do after a crash can help minimize the long-term consequences of your injuries and may increase your prospects of successful recovery. Common Injuries in Connecticut Car Accidents Here are five car accident injuries we frequently see in our practice: Neck injuries. Neck injuries, and

What Happens When You Are Hit by an Uninsured Driver in CT?

Posted on 04/21/23

Being in a car accident comes with major consequences. You or others may obtain serious personal injuries, your car could sustain damage, and more. Trying to figure out how to pay for any damages can be a daunting task. Theoretically, the at-fault party’s insurance should pay for any damage. In practice, this may not always