2024 Scholarship Winners at the Law Offices of James A. Welcome

Posted on 07/03/24

We are pleased to announce the recipients of this year’s scholarships from the Law Offices of James A. Welcome. These students have shown incredible dedication in their studies, and we are proud to support them as they move forward in their education.

Congratulations to:

  • Laniah-Jolie Diaz
  • Celmi Chimbo
  • David Espinosa
  • Jules Ballantoni
  • Oslo Schaller

Heading to college is an exciting step, but it can come with financial challenges that make it tough for students. Our firm believes strongly in the value of education to open doors and create opportunities. That’s why we offer scholarships to help cover some of the costs of things like books and course fees.

We support students in all fields of study, not just law. Whether you’re going into engineering, health care, or any other area, we’re here to help you succeed. By investing in your education, we’re helping build a better future.

We look forward to continuing this scholarship next year and hope to help even more students achieve their goals. We’re excited to see what all of our scholarship recipients will accomplish next!

Congratulations again, and we wish you all the best in your educational journeys.