The Immigration debate continues as advocates seek aggressive actions to undercut the anti-immigrant fanatics seeking to implement decisive rhetoric in our media and congress. President Biden has taken common-sense action to rejuvenate and rebuild an immigration system that was frequently targeted by his predecessor. Just days into his presidency, Biden was faced with a high
Biden toma medidas en nombre de los empresarios inmigrantes En los últimos dieciséis meses, hemos visto la importancia crítica de la inmigración. Las ventajas de la inmigración no pueden subestimarse. Los inmigrantes de todo el mundo han contribuido con sus habilidades y cultura para el mejoramiento de nuestra nación. Los inmigrantes han desempeñado un papel
In the past sixteen months, we’ve seen the critical importance of immigration. The advantages of immigration cannot be understated. Immigrants from all around the world have contributed their skills and culture for the betterment of our nation. Immigrants have served a vital role in sharing new ideas and values that have accelerated small business development
La administración Trump fue muy eficaz para prolongar las demoras en los tribunales de inmigración e implementar políticas que se centraban en disminuir la capacidad de los inmigrantes para recibir comparecencias en los tribunales a tiempo y al mismo tiempo impedir la ejecución de la justicia. El presidente Trump politizó muchas de las funciones
The Trump administration was highly effective at prolonging immigration court delays and implementing policies that were focused on diminishing the ability of immigrants to receive timely court appearances while impeding the execution of justice. President Trump politicized many of the federal bureaucracies functions, for the matter of gaining political favor amongst his supporters. Our overwhelmed
President Biden has revoked a Trump-era bar on immigration for those without health insurance. Former President Trump released an order in 2019 to ban all immigrants who attempted to enter the U.S. without health insurance or any proof that they would be able to purchase insurance within 30 days of arrival. The move to revoke
In a recently released statement issued by the White House, President Biden has signaled that the nation’s annual refugee intake will dramatically increase to 62,500, fulfilling a campaign promise and “reasserting American leadership and American values when it comes to refugee admissions.” Biden faced backlash in the weeks leading up to the decision as he