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The Law Offices of James A. Welcome prides itself in delivering experienced and personable representation to our clients in Connecticut. Over the last two decades, Attorney James A. Welcome has worked to provide his clients with the representation they need for the most challenging of matters. To ensure our continued success and ability to provide exceptional legal services for the years to come, we encourage our clients to kindly leave a google review.
Reviews help our team make necessary adjustments and improvements in how we represent our clients while better understanding our client’s experiences with our team. Your critical feedback has significant importance to us at the Law Offices of James A. Welcome. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our firm. Thank you for considering leaving a google review of our firm.
If you or someone you know is in need of Immigration or Personal Injury representation, schedule a consultation by contacting the Law Offices of James A. Welcome online or calling (203) 753-7300.
Step One
Select a preferred office location below. You can choose one or as many as you’d like.
Waterbury (Click Here)
West Hartford (Click Here)
Norwalk (Click Here)
Danbury (Click Here)
Torrington (Click Here)
Step Two
If prompted, sign in to your Gmail by inputting your username and password. If you don’t have a Gmail, you will need to create one to proceed with leaving a Google review.
Step Three
Once signed in, a form will display allowing you to rate us and leave feedback. Choose a star rating and provide feedback that is aligned with our services. Click the blue-button when done.
Our firm strives to achieve maximum effectiveness by remaining more specialized than large, one-stop law firms